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Explore the colonial charm of Thanjavur!

Step back in time with the Thanjavur Colonial Period Heritage Walk on September 8th, 2024, and discover the rich history of this ancient town.

Highlights include:

  1. Old Collector Office Complex
  2. Hotel Tamilnadu Complex
  3. Irwin Bridge
  4. GA Canal
  5. Resident’s Bungalow
  6. St. Peter’s Church & School
  7. Rajah’s Tank
  8. St. Peter’s Graveyard
  9. Vedanayakam Sastri Residence
  10. Holy Comforter’s Church
  11. Jamindar’s Residence
  12. Abraham Pandithar House
  13. Lawley Hall
  14. Ranee’s Tower

This is a unique opportunity to witness the colonial architecture and hear fascinating stories from the past. Don’t miss it!